Monday, January 26, 2009

26.01.2009(mon) sunny day

26.01.2009(mon) sunny day
Feeling bored in the 1st of CNY as we just went to the temple and my uncle’s house to pray and get “ang pau”…….
After that, we just sit at home and watching movie..
And me…. I online played my pet society and msn with others…….

At night suddenly “man power” called me…actually she is my friend…..
The reason why I call her is man power just because she is stronger than me….
She has been hospitalized today as she getting food poisoning……
Maybe I think she sure eat lots of delicious just will like this one…
Then now she stay at the 5 star room hospital watching astro….She told me just now…..
Haha… she really get a big “ang pau” on the 1st day of CNY….
Hoping that she in a pink of health…….^^

Saturday, January 24, 2009


25.01.2009(sat) sunny day

Today at hometown…I went to meet a “very very” closed friend as he back from kl to celebrate cny this year…
Long time not see him d…just went his house have some chit-chat……

Actually today I wanted to tell him about that I am plu one….
However just not dare to tell him…..
Besides, he told me about he is confusing now and facing a lot of problems…..No matter at his work or family also…. I really worried about him…..

So, then I not dare to tell him about my things already…cause scare him will worry about me….

Actually he is my best friend in my life…
I know him more than 13 years…. I really hope that he can accept me as what kind of people……
Actually when the day I confirm I am plu…he should be the first people that need to know about it…..however, I just never tell him…..

Why???? Why??? The reason why???

It is because I can’t loss a friend like him….i really can’t……
Sometime I regret that everytime he tells me about his privacy… I sure listen one…
But sometime he asks me about me I just keep silent….

”Am I do it right??”
I always ask myself……
Actually I need to tell him or not…. I want tell him before cny… don’t know I have the chance to let him know or not…or I just wait the time coming????


Thursday, January 22, 2009

22.01.2009(thurs) sunny day

Finally today I chat with my roommate already after 2 months argument…….
Don’t know why I feel want to chat with him….

Maybe I think that if I not chat and discuss with him….I sure that he will not continue his study already…..

The reason why he not study now and still stay with me at hostel is he can’t pass the exam and had been barred from college….. and now he stay at hostel doing nothing for almost one year…..besides , he also not dare to let his parents to know about it…

Therefore I just dare to chat with him and asked him go to ask other college’s intake…
So that he can continue study at outside….so that will not waste his time and money……..

However, after chatting with him, he really followed me to go other colleges to ask about the registration…. I felt that he changed a lot cause he will listen what I say already….. it’s maybe that we both keeping silent for 2 months… when I chat with him he thinks what I said is right one… so he will just do it….

Now I just hope that he really understand what I mean and not make his parents, all his closed friends and me disappointing about him anymore…….

After he is changing to study at other college, I can’t help him in his study anymore….
The only way is I just hope and pray for him…

Hoping that he really focuses on his study for his future use….

final exam...THE MOST TOUGH!!!!!!!!!

21.01.2009(wed) sunny day
It’s been a long time I not write blog already…..

It is because I had been busy to prepare my final exam….
This is the most tough final exam in this two years diploma…

So I need to study hard to get better result …so that I just can continue my study at kl this middle of year……

However, after 4 days of exam… I feel that really regret as I didn’t put much efforts on my study…..

The 4 papers that I have been done, it seems like I don’t know how to answer it…..
When sitting at exam hall, it’s really makes me frightened… all students sitting there are busy to write answer…. And me how???

Just sitting there and dreaming….. Dreaming that the god can help me do all my papers…

Haix….. I should not think so much already…. I should not watch back what have I done…..
I should summon up myself… and need to continue doing my revision….

As after CNY I still have 2 papers waiting for me….
So I just hope that I can score the 2 subjects so that can try to push back my CGPA to 3.50……
This is the only way hope….

fortune- telling about myself

14.01.2009(wed) sunny day
When doing revision together at the living room, my friend helped me to fortune-telling…..

Wao….. I just know that I know a friend that really good in such kind of things…….
The fortune-telling is damm accurate and exact…..

About 90% is say the right thing about my current and future life…….

She said I too good in planning…..

For example, if I decide to do a thing….i will plan many ways to do it or solve it….
So this will bring many confusing to me and difficult for me to make decision because too many choices already……. And it will cause me lose something if I too good in “thinking”….

On top of that, I need to be hardworking to study or work…..
If I put more effects on my study and my working…. I will get a good outcome in future one….

Besides, she says I need bravely to chat with others or friends……so that it will help me create a closed relationship with my friends or others….so that will bring good luck and fortune for me……

I think she quite say the right point about my life…. I really agree about it……

But just have one thing that I not really agree is my healthy…..
She said on the part of my heart and nose will have healthy problem….
Although I agree what she said but I still think i have a serious matter on my healthy not only at my heart and nose also…

Haha…. After listening what she said…. I feel that I actually I need to change be a brave person…. Don’t always not dare to say anything to others and I need to make a good decision when face my problems…^^

Friday, January 9, 2009

Pantai Keracut

03.01.2009(sat) raining

Today we went out with man power them to Pantai Keracut….
They said the view of Pantai Keracut is really nice…… besides, I know it can help me keep fit…so I go there for a mountain climbing…haha….
It is really nice and I very enjoy at there also….
This was the first time that I experienced the life of nature... it feels great……
When we climbed up the mountain…….the alley that we crossed is smaller than my body…..and full of wet mud….this is because raining just now….and I scared that I will fall down…but luckily I arrived safety…haha….
During the time climbing it’s really great……the step by step that we cross through the mountain is actuality. It seems like I have successfully striving for my future….
Aldo climbing mountain is really dangerous and difficult to do so……however….we still succeed d….hehe…..
After that, we arrived Pantai Keracut….we took a lot of photos at there….
After resting there for about one hour than we went back to the place we placed our car by boat…..
Today I really enjoy for my mountain climbing and I realize that Penang still have so much fun place to play one…so I promise myself I will come next time again…haha….

the below is de pic that we take at de mountain n pantai keracut......:

finally we can took photo at pantai keracut d.......^^

i also don't know we 3 are staring what???.....haha

i seem like very slim .... can sit on de root without broking it...haha

we climbed up the whole moutain  for about more than 1 hours....we both looked so tired one...haha

dis is de jetty we waiting for the boat to fetch us back....

my bottle look so nice on de beach.....^^

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2008 年的最后一天了…..

31.12.2008(三) 阴

2008 年的最后一天了…..





像是man power啊。。。。志深阿。。。。yi yun啊。。。pei joo…. Cheng ho…mei chen…..维康啊。。。。真的很感谢他们。。。。

那时觉得他是世界最美好的了。。。。因为人人都说嘛。。。爱情是麻木的。。。哈哈。。。。可是最后我们还是分了。。。。。爱情慢跑只是短短的三个月。。。。是因为彼此距离得太远了吧。。。所以感情才会疏远的。。。。只是我不觉得这个是最大的原因吧。。。。其实我是在乎的是他对我的关怀。。。。可是他一点关怀也没关心我。。。。。就连我生病了他也不知道。。。或许我没让他知道吧...我也不可以怪他的....分手之后。。。。那时我和他做回了好朋友。。。。。我老实地对自己说其实到目前为止我还是没把他忘了。。。。在我生活方式里还是残留着他的痕迹。。。。所以一直觉得你每天带给我的事伤心多过快乐。。。。可是从明年起我就会尝试地把你忘了。。。。。我要把我最喜欢的下雨天里。。。从伤心变回原本的快乐。。那是我最需要做的事情了。。。。。 也感谢他让我知道以及懂了好多东西.......学会了勇敢以及尝试....

1. 希望我家人,亲戚,知己,朋友以及我身边的每一个人都快快乐乐和身体健康。。。
2. 希望我妹在PMR能考到 full A.
3. 希望俊焰能够达到他的愿望。。。成为一个有名的歌星啦。。
4. 希望我能顺顺利利考上diploma以及顺顺利利报读到ACCA.
5. 希望我身边的朋友各个都能达到自己的愿望......最重要我们的感情越变越好......
6. 希望我能身体健康。。。。过的快乐一点。。。要常笑哦。。。︿︿
7. 新的一年有新的开始.......希望我能更坚强.......能身体健康。。。。过的快乐一点。。。要常 笑哦。。。︿︿